Travel News

followsummer Travel News

Rough weather has settled in here at followsummer HQ:

Snow, ice pellets and freezing rain have caused cancellations and travel advisories. Time to hunker down and read the latest travel news. Stay warm everyone!

Travel News: Expedia and United Agree to Stand Down — For Now

It appears as though United Airlines will not remove some of its flights from Expedia Group websites on Monday, as was threatened.

Expedia Group said Friday that United has agreed not to take any actions that would cut off the online travel agency’s short-term access to United flights as the two parties are “discussing a mutually agreeable schedule pursuant to which they litigate any dispute between them.” Earlier in the week, Expedia filed suit against United in federal court over contractual issues that neither party wanted to discuss in detail.


AND More Expedia Travel News: Expedia Struggles to Move Beyond Its U.S. Dependence

When Mark Okerstrom became CEO of Expedia Group in September 2017, he said he wanted the company to become more global. In September 2018, Okerstrom repeated the ambition, noting that one of his priorities is for the conglomerate to become more locally relevant worldwide.

But the change is coming slowly, as new revenue numbers revealed on Thursday with Expedia’s fourth quarter and full year earnings release. During 2018, Expedia earned internationally only 44.73 percent of its $11.2 billion revenue, revealing a slight decline in the company’s international share of revenue versus the prior year.


Airbnb Hires Aviation Industry Veteran to Lead New Transportation Division

Since the fall of 2016, when Airbnb launched its first product outside of home sharing, CEO Brian Chesky has hinted at the possibility of the company entering the transportation space with “Airbnb Flights.”

Ever since numerous new travel news reports have pondered exactly how Airbnb would delve into transportation. Would Airbnb build or buy an airline? Would it buy a booking engine or a metasearch platform?





Travel News
followsummer Travel News
Travel News
Monday’s FSTravels Travel News
#FSTravelNEWS 08:04:2016
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