
Jacarandas in Full Bloom in Buenos Aires

It is spring outside today – rain is in the air, but the sun is out. The jacarandas are in full bloom, adding a canopy of bright purple above our heads and a carpet of spent, faded purple under our feet. We agree to take turns waiting for Lufthansa, and this morning it is my turn to wait. Greg heads out, camera in hand. 3 hours later, he is back, sandwiches and Buenos Aires guidebooks in hand, and it is his turn to wait.

I head off to the travel agent who found our apartment for us, to try and get some plans made for our travels around Argentina. We had tried to do some of this in Paris, but it proved impossible. Then I spend a bit of time wandering around, remembering the layout of the city. When I get back to the apartment, I find that our bags have not yet arrived. We try, again, to call Lufthansa for a status update, but the number is either busy or not answered.

Around 6 the phone rings. It is Marcelo and Pablo. They tell us that they and Pablo and Miguel and another couple are heading out about midnight to go dancing, and ask if we want to join them. “Sure! Why not?” About 7 the phone rings again. It is Lufthansa. Can we be downstairs in 2 minutes? We sure can! Down I go, and the delivery guy is waiting for me. He proudly hands me 1 bag. While I am happy to see it, I am not happy about the fact that the other 3 don’t seem to be on his truck. He of course can’t speak English, so gets someone on his mobile who can. Apparently there wasn’t room for all the luggage on last night’s flight – more will be on tonight’s. And in the interim, we are to make sure that someone is home all day tomorrow to receive the luggage if it comes.

We cook ourselves some supper, then take naps. At midnight, we meet the guys, and the night begins. About 4, half the group decides to head home, while Marcelo, Pablo, Greg and I feel the night is still young, and we head to another club. It is packed! We dance till after the sun comes up, and then bundle ourselves off home. Pablo and Marcelo, for their part, head back to Miguel and Pablo’s to pick up their bags, for they are taking the 7:45 a.m. bus back home.

#FSTravels NEWS Weekend Edition
Exiting India, En route to Santorini
Bariloche, Argentina: A Mini Switzerland
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