Work With followsummer


followsummer:  work with us!

Experience travel with us!

followsummer is a global travel and lifestyle blog that is open to advertising, sponsorship, and reviews and is one of Canada’s leading travel blogs. Consistently ranked in the top 10 of #travel1k Top Travel Blogs by Rise Market Insight, our aim is to create engaging content on a weekly basis from contributors in Canada, Australia, the US, and the United Kingdom. It’s the enthusiasm and ability to love what we do while providing our audience with education, entertainment and the ability to join us on our adventures around the world that makes us the go-to travel web site for experiential travel content. Known as a mature and sophisticated travel booking and advice portal, we offer expertise, commentary and personal insight on living travel: the food, hotels, wine, flights; the thousands of life details that ebb and flow and make travel truly alive.

Established in December 2003, the site is over 15 years old and ranks well in search engines. It is updated a minimum of three times per week, ensuring that content is constantly fresh. The blog has a strong presence in the travel industry and we regularly work with PRs and DMO’s on press trips and events.

Here’s how you can work with us: 

Affiliate Partnerships

We will link back to a retail website. When a reader follows the link, and makes a purchase, the retailer pays the blogger for the referral. followsummer is now part of and Awin affiliate programs

Press Trips

We will experience your destination, service, or facility, and share it with our readers through stories, videos, and pictures.

Sponsored campaigns

Sponsored campaigns are like traditional advertising. It might include everything from banner ads on our site to blog posts and social media posts featuring your destination, product or service.

Freelance writing

We would consider “moonlighting” as a freelance travel writer or content creator for your destination, product or brand!

Social media promotion

We will run your Twitter or Instagram campaigns, where we ‘take over’ your account to share original photos and thoughts. We can also be hired for Twitter chats, where we engage in a conversation with readers on Twitter related to your destination, product or service.

  • Targeted Instagram Ads, Instagram Takeovers, Instagram Sponsored Posts, Content Creation, Blog Features & Social Selling, Picture Blog Post, and Targeted Facebook Ads, all can be part of the solution!

Photography and videography

Hire us to take photos of your properties, destinations, products and or services.

And more: talk to us about what your needs are. We would be happy to quote you!

Click here to view our media kit.

    [mappress mapid=”1″]greg@