New Zealand

First Mornings: Auckland, New Zealand

Latitude: S36°
Longitude: E174°
Full Moon.

We got to bed at about 2:30 a.m. Auckland time (5:30 a.m. L.A. time)

and we’re up about 8:30 to seek out coffee and breakfast, feeling that hazy, thumping middle of the forehead headache called jetlag. Our original accommodation plans in Aukland had to be changed at the last minute but John’s sister Ruth saved the day and sought out alternate arrangements for all of us.

Auckland: Magnificent Summer

The Auckland weather is magnificent summer – the Kiwi’s are all complaining about the humidity, but word reaches us that there are big storms at home with -14°C temperatures, so we’re not complaining at all. We spend the day walking around central Auckland and after miles and miles we walk up Parnell Road, which is about as big a hill as there is in Auckland. Our plans change, and we taxi back to the carpark before heading out for a nice supper and an early bed.

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