
Some followsummer Thank You’s

Our followsummer website has proven to be even more popular than we had imagined or anticipated.

This became apparent when we hadn’t posted for seven days last week. The followsummer roar of the crowd was fearsome! “Where are you? We demand more postings! What’s going on?”

We would like to take this opportunity to thank those people who were responsible for helping us with the realization, concept and design of followsummer and business cards, and of the trip itself, without which none of this would have happened.

First, Brian MacDonald in Toronto, for being our first go-to. He pointed us in the right direction for dealing with the initial information overload. Thanks, Brian, for sorting us out.

Ryan Thompson, of Artifex Design in Vancouver, for his brilliant design of the website. We saw eye to eye very quickly with ideas for the design of the site, and the day-to-day running has been a breeze. Thanks, Ryan.

And finally, Bill Baker in Vancouver (and environs, sorry Billy..I can never remember where you live. It is “Summer” something in BC somewhere) for the fantastic concept and design of our trip cards. They have been a hit everywhere we go. So much so that we are having t-shirts made up. Special web offer– $49.99 US$ while supplies last! Plus S&H and all applicable taxes. 

If anyone is looking for some top notch work to be done, contact us and we will send you all their coordinates.

While we’re at it, we’d also like to acknowledge the work done for us by Aaron Livie of Flight Centre on Bay Street in Toronto in figuring out what we wanted, when often we didn’t know, in finding the obscure hotels or attractions we’d heard about but couldn’t find ourselves, and for his patience; Aaron is heading off to on an incredible trip of his own soon, to South Africa, and we wish him a fantastic time!

Keep those comments coming!

“What you are producing here on your web site is wonderful, magnificent, outstanding, lovely and much more.” La Contessa d’H.

“I hadn’t checked in for awhile, and I was amazed at all you’ve done . . . . Your writing is so great it almost makes me feel as those I’ve seen and experienced all these things with you . . . which helps (almost) ease the pain of surfing your site while I’m at work .” B.H

“Its cold here!! It all sounds so beautiful. I love the pictures and the tales you both tell. Looking forward to more…” C.S.

“This site is becoming a part of my routine at work…” C.W.

“Your public demands news. You’ve got a very popular website.” B.S.

“Shopping at the IGA? You could have done that in Picton!” D.&H.Z.

“Brian, Gary and I are all anxiously awaiting your next update. We have information needs, you know. I hope this isn’t some Hollywood-style PR strategy you’re pulling to create a frenzy among your adoring fans. Did you think this was YOUR trip and yours alone???? If there is no update by end of day, I’m buying a Hello! magazine to help with the DT’s (Do Tells).” J.J.

“You are doing a wonderful job of conveying the wonder of your expedition.”J.&J.M.

“[Y]ou’ve created a monster, but many of us don’t care. There. I’ve said it, and I’m glad. More entries! Quick! If you don’t post soon, I’m going to switch to porn. I mean it! Just try me!” G.G. (Not Greg George)

These are all true testimonials. Really. Honestly.

And as a final note: It started to rain yesterday here in Sydney. Everyone is breathing a sigh of relief because it has been so dry here. They are predicting rain until Saturday. Sigh!

Superstitions: Church Bells and Distant Thunder
Perth to Melbourne – Australia Road Trip!
Dreaming of Monaco
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